Bob Paladino & Associates, LLC

"Implementing for Results"

"Innovative Corporate Performance Management"

#2 Best Selling CPM  Book

"Innovative Corporate Performance Management: Five Key Principles to Accelerate Results" is written by the author of "Five Key Principles of Corporate Performance Management", which is the #1, bestselling CPM for several years running. This dynamic sequel offers insights from business leaders who have won the most globally recognized awards in business.

What do award-winning companies know about innovative corporate performance management (CPM) that eludes most of today's executives? How do they organize and conduct themselves to achieve outsized results during the worst recession ever? Learn the secrets to executing strategy effectively in Bob Paladino's "Innovative Corporate Performance Management". The case companies in this book have amassed over 175 prestigious awards and share over 160 CPM best practices. It's time to add your company's name to the list.

A global CEO survey reveals the difficulties executives face in trying to keep up with rapid global change. So, what are the core processes and best practices that award-winning commercial, public, and nonprofit enterprises leverage to manage this gap? This sequel includes:

  • Five Key Principles Self-Scoring Diagnostics
  • Key Strategic Frameworks
  • Managerial Models
  • Strategic Planning Methods
  • Strategy Maps
  • Balanced Scorecards
  • Customer Surveying & Competitive Intelligence Methods
  • Process Models
  • Communications Plans
  • Quality Improvement Tools

What Readers Say

"Bob has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he shares, both personally and professionally through his books. We have just begun implementing his five principles of corporate performance management and already our results have been outstanding. Bob's approach and methodology work in all types of organizations and situations. His approach focuses on getting results and improving organizational performance. In a relatively short period of time, we have experienced both."
— Francine Padgett
Senior Vice President and CFO, MidMichigan Health and Greg Rogers, President and CEO, MidMichigan Medical Center – Midland

"This book further expands the Strategy Focused Organization/Balanced Scorecard (SFO/BSC) methodologies of systematically operating and strategically growing an organization by utilizing a comprehensive Corporate Performance Management (CPM) process to continuously innovate any given business platform. The CPM process is "scientific" yet elevates strategy and results to a naturally evolving and innovative state.

Earlier in his career, I hired Bob as a consultant to help implement the SFO/BSC approach at Crown Castle International (NYSE:CCI) and have continued to utilize Bob's considerable skills in two other business platforms (M7 Aerospace and Intercomp Global Services) which are both multinational companies. His insight and direction have been invaluable."
— Ted B. Miller, Jr.
President, 4M Investments, LLC

Praise for Innovative Corporate Performance Management

"Paladino offers practical insights, drawn from best-practice examples, on how a CPM office helps organizations successfully execute their strategies."
— Dr. Robert S. Kaplan
Harvard Business School; co-inventor of the Strategy Focused Organization, Balanced Scorecard, and Activity Based Management

"What I find most fascinating regarding Bob Paladino's work is his ability to transcend both the public and private sectors. His vast knowledge of both for-profit and non-profit organizations enables him to find those best practices that work in both. His latest book is laced with so many gems the book needs a dedicated space on every CEO's desk!"
 —Gary Butler
Assistant Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts Of America

"Companies that can successfully manage change will succeed and prosper. As a business leader, I am keenly interested in tools that help mitigate risk of strategic execution. By providing the pragmatic insights from his case studies and the abundance of best practices, Bob once again gives business leaders that tool to both manage execution risk and accelerate improved results."
— Bill Arendt
Former Corporate Controller Sprint Nextel

"An excellent extrapolation of the Kaplan & Norton strategy management framework. The case studies are the jewels that provide the secret to success."
 — Dr. David P. Norton
Co-Inventor Of the Strategy Focused Organization & Balanced Scorecard, Founder & Director, Palladium Group, Inc.

"As the economy recovers from the Great Recession, the 'new normal' business environment requires that executive management rethink their organization's business model and how it will produce high performance results. Drawing on his vast practical experience and case studies of award-winning companies, Bob Paladino provides new insights on his key principles of corporate performance management (CPM) that have produced differentiating results. This is a must-read for any executive management team striving for high performance in the 'new normal' global economy."
— William G. Shenkir
William Stamps Farish Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce

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Innovative Corporate Performance Management by Bob Paladino

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Five Key Principles of Corporate Performance Management Innovative Corporate Performance Management: Five Key Principles to Accelerate Results Corporate Performance Management Best Practices: A Case Study Approach to Accelerating CPM Results